
ASCOMPBackUpMaker:EinfacheundautomatischeDatensicherungenvonDateienundOrdnern.PlatzsparendimZip-Format,aufWunschverschlüsselt(AES256Bit).,2024年8月28日—WelcometotheUserManualforIntegoBackupManagerPro2,Intego'sprogramforbackingupandsynchronizingdata,andforcreating...,BackupManagerisasystemtooldesignedtohandlebackups.Itiswrittenwithsimplicityinmind.Ifyouwanttohandleacoupleoftarballs, ...,Backupp...

ASCOMP BackUp Maker

ASCOMP BackUp Maker: Einfache und automatische Datensicherungen von Dateien und Ordnern. Platzsparend im Zip-Format, auf Wunsch verschlüsselt (AES 256 Bit).

Intego Backup Manager Pro 2 User Manual

2024年8月28日 — Welcome to the User Manual for Intego Backup Manager Pro 2, Intego's program for backing up and synchronizing data, and for creating...

Backup Manager 0.7.7 User Guide

Backup Manager is a system tool designed to handle backups. It is written with simplicity in mind. If you want to handle a couple of tarballs, ...

AOMEI® Backupper User Manual

Backupper provides a one-select solution to back up the system drive completely, including the operating system, applications, drivers, configuration settings, ...

Easy-to-use data backup for Windows

Create fully automated data backups with ease. BackUp Maker. Download. Free for personal use and evaluation. Buy Professional Edition (39.90 USD).

BackUp Maker

Create automated data backups with ease using award-winning ASCOMP BackUp Maker. Space-saving ZIP compression, optionally with AES 256 Bit encryption.

BackUp Maker Review

2014年6月25日 — BackUp Maker uses a wizard to help you setup your first backup job. Click the Backup button, and you'll be guided through the steps to: Select ...

ASCOMP BackUp Maker Review [Top

2021年9月10日 — BackUp Maker is a lightweight and easy to use piece of Windows backup software which is ideal for those looking to get their PC backed-up quickly and with the ...